經貿 雙語詞彙
序號 | 中文(Chinese) | 英文(English) |
1 | 動機 | affecting factor |
2 | 旅客資訊系統 | Advanced Passenger System (API) |
3 | 東南亞國家協會 (東協) | Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) |
4 | 東南亞國協自由貿易協定 | ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) |
5 | 亞洲債券市場基金 | Asian Bond Fund (ABF) |
6 | 亞洲開發銀行 | Asian Development Bank (ADB) |
7 | 亞洲育成協會 | Asia Association of Business Incubation (AABI) |
8 | 亞太經濟合作 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) |
9 | 亞太地區 | Asia Pacific Region |
10 | 住宿服務業 | Accommodation Service |
11 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | Administrative Yuan National Science Committee |
12 | 加速器 | accelerator |
13 | 中小企業適法權益 | Advocacy of SMEs Legal Rights |
14 | APEC數位機會中心 | APEC Digital Opportunity Center(ADOC) |
15 | APEC跨文化交流網絡 | APEC Cultural Focal Point Network (CFPN) |
16 | APEC經濟領袖會議 | APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting (AELM) |
17 | APEC創業加速器倡議 | APEC Start-up Accelerator Initiative(ASA) |
18 | APEC創業加速器計畫 | APEC Start-up Accelerator |
19 | APEC部長會議 | APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM) |
20 | APEC商務旅遊卡 | APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) |
21 | APEC秘書處 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat (APEC Secretariat) |
22 | APEC研究中心 | APEC Study Center (ASC) |
23 | APEC企業諮詢委員會 | APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) |
24 | 應用服務供應商 | Application Service Provider (ASP) |
25 | 農業技術合作工作小組 | Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG) |
26 | 資通電腦股份有限公司 | ARES International Corporation |
27 | 混程式學習 | blended learning |
28 | 區塊鏈 | Blockchain |
29 | 智慧管家創新服務推動聯盟 | Best Butler Team(BBT) |
30 | 創業園區 | business park |
31 | 創業育成 | business start-up and incubation |
32 | 成衣.服飾品業 | Business of Clothing & Apparel Accessories |
33 | 生物科技 | bio-tech |
34 | 品牌經營 | brand management |
35 | 建物裝修及裝潢業 | Building Maintenance & Upholstery |
36 | 預算管理委員會 | Budget and Management Committee (BMC) |
37 | 經濟部技術處業界科專辦公室 | Business Alliance Office of Department of Industrial Technology |
38 | 藍海策略 | Blue Ocean Strategy |
39 | 縮減數位落差 | Bridging the Digital Divide |
40 | 標竿 | benchmark |
41 | 銀行 | bank |
42 | 異業結盟 | cross-industry alliance |
43 | 循環經濟 | Circular Economy |
44 | 客戶關係管理 | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) |
45 | 社區小企業 | community small enterprise |
46 | 信用保證 | credit guarantee |
47 | 合作企業 | Cooperative Enterprise |
48 | 共同育成 | co-incubation |
49 | 共同比資產負債 | consolidated financial data |
50 | 更緊密經貿關係安排 | Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) |
51 | 挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫 | Challenge 2008: National Development Plan |
52 | 企業社會責任 | corporate social responsibility(CSR) |
53 | 文化創意產業 | cultural and creative industry |
54 | 反恐行動計畫 | Counter-Terrorism Action Plan (CTAP) |
55 | 反恐任務小組 | Counter-Terrorism Task Force (CTTF) |
56 | 貿易暨投資委員會 | Committee onTrade and Investment (CTI) |
57 | 養成機制 | cultivation mechanism |
58 | 雲端運算 | cloud computing |
59 | 集體行動計畫 | Collective Action Plans (CAP) |
60 | 週轉金 | working capital |
61 | 資深官員總結會議 | Concluding SOM (CSOM) |
62 | 競爭政策及解除管制小組 | Competition Policy and Deregulation Group (CPDG) |
63 | 設計服務業 | Design Services |
64 | 診斷輔導 | diagnostic guidance |
65 | 多哈發展議程 | Doha Development Agenda (DDA) |
66 | 直接信用保證 | direct credit guarantee |
67 | 數位資訊服務中心 | Digital Information Exchange Center |
68 | 數位經濟 | Digital Economy |
69 | 資料探勘 | data mining |
70 | 部門提前自由化 | Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalisation (EVSL) |
71 | 創業精神 | entrepreneurial spirit |
72 | 創業家簽證 | Entrepreneur Visa |
73 | 創業家精神 | Entrepreneurship |
74 | 創業活動 | entrepreneurial activity |
75 | 能源工作小組 | Energy Working Group (EWG) |
76 | 東亞暨太平洋地區央行首長會議組織 | Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks Group (EMEAP) |
77 | 企業營運面 | enterprise operational performance |
78 | 企業學習體驗區 | Enterprise learning experience section |
79 | 企業網絡 | enterprise network |
80 | 企業資源規劃 | Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) |
81 | 示範性資訊應用系統 | exemplary information application system |
82 | 中國生產力中心電子化事業群 | E-business Group, China Productivity Center, CPC |
83 | 中小企業就業人數 | employment in SMEs |
84 | 電子採購 | e-procurement |
85 | 電子商務檢視小組 | Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG) |
86 | 電子商務系統 | e-commerce system |
87 | 電子商務 | Electronic Commerce (EC) |
88 | 電子交易市集 | e-marketplaces |
89 | 電子化服務團 | E-enablement Service Teams |
90 | 經濟技術合作行動計畫 | Ecotech Action Plan (EAP) |
91 | 經濟委員會 | Economic Committee (EC) |
92 | 歐盟 | European Union (EU) |
93 | 經濟與技術合作 | Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH) |
94 | 數位學習 / 網路學習 | e-learning |
95 | 網路學習 | e-learning |
96 | 餐飲業 | Eating & Drinking |
97 | 體驗經濟 | Experience Economy |
98 | 家具及裝設品製造業 | Furniture & Fixures Manufacturing |
99 | 財務融通機制 | financing mechanism |
100 | 財務會計制度 | financial and accounting systems |
101 | 財務比率 | Financial ratios |
102 | 財長過程 | Finance Ministers' Process(FMP) |
103 | 連鎖加盟營運模式 | franchise operation mode |
104 | 外勞 | foreign laborer |
105 | 外商投資 | FDI: Foreign Direct Investment |
106 | 火金姑專案 | Firefly Counterpart Guarantee Fund (FCGF) |
107 | APEC漁業工作小組 | Fisheries Working Group (FWG) |
108 | 中小企業放款 | financing to SMEs |
109 | 自由貿易安排 | Free Trade Agreement (FTA) |
110 | 亞太自由貿易協定 | Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) |
111 | 金屬製品製造業 | Fabricated Metallic Products Manufacturing |
112 | 金融改革 | financial reform |
113 | 食品及飲料業 | Food & Beverage Manufacturing |
114 | 資金協助 | funding assistance |
115 | 資金、基金 | funding |
116 | 資金(貸款) | Financing |
117 | 政府採購專家小組 | Government Preocurement Experts Group (GPEG) |
118 | 政府採購商機 | government procurement opportunity |
119 | 金書獎 | Golden Book Awards |
120 | 服務業發展綱領及行動方案 | Guidelines and Action Plans for Service Industry Development |
121 | 服務貿易總協定 | General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) |
122 | 性別聯絡人網絡 | Gender Focal Point Network (GFPN) |
123 | 全球價值鏈 | Global Value Chain (GVC) |
124 | 全球在地化 | Globalcalization |
125 | 全球化 | globalization |
126 | 綠色商機 | Green Opportunity |
127 | 綠色生產 | Green production |
128 | 輔導政策 | guidance policy |
129 | 輔導 | guidance |
130 | 關稅暨貿易總協定 | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) |
131 | 高科技部門 | hi-tech sector |
132 | 高科技產業 | high-tech industries |
133 | 人力資源發展工作小組 | Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) |
134 | 人力資源發展 | Human Resources Development (HRD) |
135 | 人力資源 | human resource |
136 | 醫療保健及照顧服務業 | Health Care & Care Giving Services |
137 | 衛生任務小組 | Health Task Force (HTF) |
138 | 個別行動計畫 | Individual Action Plan (IAP) |
139 | 庫存比率 | inventory ratio |
140 | 國際間比較 | international comparison |
141 | 國際勞工組織 | International Labour Organization (LO) |
142 | 國際貨幣基金會 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
143 | 國際商會 | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) |
144 | 國際金融機構 | International Financial Institution (IFI) |
145 | 國際化 | internationalization |
146 | 國際中小企業聯合會 | International Council for Small Business (ICSB) |
147 | 國際中小企業會議 | International Small Business Congress (ISBC) |
148 | 產業聚群 | Industrial Cluster |
149 | 產業科學技術工作小組 | Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG) |
150 | 產業別網際網路資料庫 | Industry-based On-line Databases |
151 | 創新憑證(創新券) | Innovation Voucher |
152 | 創新與育成 | innovation and cultivation |
153 | 創新補助計畫 | Innovation subsidiary plan |
154 | 創新研究獎 | Innovation Research Award |
155 | 創新育成中心 | incubator center |
156 | 創新 | innovation |
157 | 智慧財產權專家小組 | Intellectural Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG) |
158 | 智慧財產權 | intellectual property rights |
159 | 智慧財產權 | Intellectural Property Rights (IPR) |
160 | 中華民國資訊軟體協會 | Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. (CISA.) |
161 | 中小企業創業育成信託投資帳戶 | Investment & Trust Account for Incubation & Start-up of SMEs |
162 | 中小企業產業發展諮詢委員會 | Industry Consultation Committee on SMEs |
163 | 中小企業整合行動計畫 | Integrated Plan of Action for SME Development (SPAN) |
164 | 地方特色產業 | industries with local characteristics |
165 | 投資 | investment |
166 | 物聯網 | Internet of Things(IOT) |
167 | 網際網路服務供應商 | Internet Service Provider (ISP) |
168 | 網際網路 | internet |
169 | 資通訊技術 | Information and Communications Technology (ICT) |
170 | 資訊管理 | Information Management |
171 | 資訊科技 | information technology |
172 | 進口 | import |
173 | 知識管理 | knowledge management (KM) |
174 | 知識經濟 | Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) |
175 | 知識共享平台 | knowledge-sharing platform |
176 | 長期資金比率 | long-term funds ratio |
177 | 在地化 | localization |
178 | 地方特色產業 | local cultural industry |
179 | 大企業 | large enterprise |
180 | 勞動市場資訊小組 | Labour Market Information (LMI) |
181 | 勞工 | labor |
182 | 終身學習護照 | lifelong learning passport |
183 | 貸款 | loan |
184 | 動機 | motive |
185 | 海洋資源保育工作小組 | Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC) |
186 | 人才培訓 | manpower cultivation |
187 | 互助合作 | mutual assistance |
188 | 市場與生產定位 | market and production positioning |
189 | 市場進入小組 | Market Access Group (MAG) |
190 | 微小融資機構 | Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) |
191 | 經濟部 | Ministry of Economic Affairs |
192 | 總體經濟環境 | macroeconomic environment |
193 | 美國育成協會 | National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) |
194 | 北美自由貿易區 | North Ameerican Free Trade Area (NAFTA) |
195 | 大阪行動綱領 | Osaka Action Agenda (OAA) |
196 | 一鄉鎮一產品 | One Village One Product(OVOP) |
197 | 馬上辦服務中心 | One-stop Service Center |
198 | 組織定位 | Organizational Positioning |
199 | 網路到實體(網實整合) | O2O(Online-to-Offline) |
200 | 網頁品牌 | on-line branding |
201 | 經濟合作暨發展組織 | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) |
202 | 創業鳳凰婦女小額貸款專案基金 | Phoenix Micro Funds for Entrepreneurial Women |
203 | 專案貸款 | Project loans |
204 | 人力派遣服務業 | Personnel Supply Services |
205 | 入口網站 | Portal site |
206 | 人才培訓 | personnel training |
207 | 太平洋群島論壇 | Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) |
208 | 太平洋經濟合作理事會 | Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) |
209 | 太平洋盆地經濟合作理事會 | Pacific Basin Economic Cooperation(Council) (PBEC) |
210 | 公共服務擴大就業專案 | Project for the Creation of Employment Opportunities through the Expansion of Public Services |
211 | 品質管理 | quality management |
212 | 速動比率 | quick ratio |
213 | 接單風險 | risk of taking orders |
214 | 區域貿易安排 | Regional Trading Arrangement (RTA) |
215 | 淨值報酬率 | return on net worth |
216 | 區域移動警示名單 | Regional Movement Alert List (RMAL) |
217 | 負債淨值比率 | ratio of total liabilities to net worth |
218 | 法規沙盒 | Regulatory sandbox |
219 | 固定資產報酬率 | return on fixed assets |
220 | 小巨人獎 | Rising Star Award |
221 | 資產總額報酬率 | return on gross assets |
222 | 資本報酬率 | return on capital |
223 | 歐盟危害物質限用指令 | Restriction o f Hazardous Substance(RoHS) |
224 | 區域貿易安全 | Secure Trade in the APEC Region APEC (STAR) |
225 | 智慧企業 | Smart Enterprise |
226 | 中小企業產值 | SMEs production value |
227 | 中小企業研訓中心 | SME Learning Centers |
228 | 中小企業政策審議委員會 | SME Policy Committee |
229 | 中小企業信用保證基金 | Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan |
230 | 中小企業法規調適 | SME's legal rights adaption |
231 | 中小企業規模 | SMEs by scale |
232 | 中小企業處 | Small and Medium Enterprise Administration |
233 | 中小企業組織型態 | SMEs by organization type |
234 | 中小企業產業發展諮詢委員會 | SMEs Industrial Develpoment Advisory Council |
235 | 中小企業定義 | SMEs definition |
236 | 中小企業供應鏈 | SME Supply Chains |
237 | 中小企業工作小組 | Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG) |
238 | 中小企業人力協助執行計畫 | SME Employment Assistance Project |
239 | 中小企業e學院 | SME e-college |
240 | 中小企業 | Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) |
241 | 中小企業聯合輔導中心 | Small Business Integrated Assistance Center |
242 | 中小企業銷售結構 | SMEs sales structure |
243 | 中小企業創業創新養成學苑 | SME Entrepreneurship and Innovation College |
244 | 中小企業輔導政策 | SME guidance policy |
245 | 中小企業輔導 | SME guidance |
246 | 中小企業認定標準 | Standards for Identifying SME |
247 | 中小企業網路學習計畫 | SME Internet learning plan |
248 | 中小企業網路大學 | SME e-university |
249 | 中小企業經營年數 | SMEs by operating year |
250 | 中小企業發展條例 | SME Development Statute |
251 | 中小企業發展基金 | SME Development Fund |
252 | 中小企業發展基金 | Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund (SMEDF) |
253 | 加強經濟法制基礎合作架構 | Strengthening Ecomonic Legal Infrastructure (SELI) |
254 | 供應鏈管理 | Supply Chain Management (SCM) |
255 | 技能訓練 | specialist training |
256 | 自營作業者 | self-employed |
257 | 西南偏南 | South by Southwest(SXSW) |
258 | 企業領袖高峰會 | Summit Chief Executive Officer (CEO Summit) |
259 | 共享經濟 | Sharing Economy |
260 | 服務網絡 | service network |
261 | 流通運輸服務業 | Storage & Distribution |
262 | 社會創新 | social innovation |
263 | 社會安全網能力建構網絡 | Social Safety Net Capacity Building Network (SSN CBN) |
264 | 社會安全網 | Social Safety Net (SSN) |
265 | 銷售通路 | sales channel |
266 | 關務程序次級委員會 | Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) |
267 | 補助 | subsidy |
268 | 資深官員會議 | Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) |
269 | 經濟技術合作資深官員委員會 | SOM Committee on ECOTECH (ESC) |
270 | 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) |
271 | 提升科技資訊應用能力 | technology and IT capability upgrading |
272 | 淨值週轉 | turnover of net-worth |
273 | 商品週轉 | turnover of merchandise |
274 | 紡織業 | Textiles Mills |
275 | 固定資產週轉 | turnover of fixed assets |
276 | 存貨週轉 | turnover of inventory |
277 | 技術能力 | technical capability |
278 | 技術交易 | technical exchange |
279 | 台北市電腦公會 | Taipei Computer Association |
280 | 三角貿易 | triangular trade |
281 | 貿易暨投資自由化及便捷化 | Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF) |
282 | 貿易相關之智慧財產權協定 | Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS) |
283 | 貿易自由化 | Trade Liberalization |
284 | 縮減產業數位落差計畫 | The Program to Bridge the Digital Divide in Industries |
285 | 應收帳項週轉 | turnover of receivables |
286 | 新巴塞爾資本協定 | The New Basel Capital Accord |
287 | 傳統產業 | traditional industry |
288 | 雲端運算推廣服務計畫 | The Cloud Computing Promotion Program |
289 | 運輸工作小組 | Transportation Working Group (TPT-WG) |
290 | 電信暨資訊工作小組 | Telecommunications Working Group (TEL) |
291 | 跨太平洋企業議程 | Trans Pacific Business Agenda (TPBA) |
292 | 觀光及運動休閒服務業 | Tourism, Sporting & Recreational Services |
293 | 觀光工作小組 | Tourism Working Group (TWG) |
294 | 關稅與非關稅措施 | Tariff and Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) |
295 | 無所不在的學習 | U-biquitous Learning/U-Learning |
296 | 升級轉型 | upgrading and transformation |
297 | 失業率 | unemployment rate |
298 | 願景 | Vision |
299 | 女性創業活動 | women entrepreneurial activity |
300 | 女性創業 | women entrepreneurs |
301 | 世界衛生組織 | World Health Organization (WHO) |
302 | 世界貿易組織 | World Trade Organization (WTO) |
303 | WTO能力建構小組 | WTO Capacity Building Group (WCBG) |
304 | 工作小組 | Working Group |
305 | 中小企業白皮書 | White Paper on SMEs |
306 | 貿易推廣工作小組 | Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP) |
307 | 環保服務業 | Waste Collecting |
308 | 廢電機電子設備指令 | Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) |
301 | 世界衛生組織 | World Health Organization (WHO) |
302 | 世界貿易組織 | World Trade Organization (WTO) |
303 | WTO能力建構小組 | WTO Capacity Building Group (WCBG) |
304 | 工作小組 | Working Group |
305 | 中小企業白皮書 | White Paper on SMEs |
306 | 貿易推廣工作小組 | Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP) |
307 | 環保服務業 | Waste Collecting |
308 | 廢電機電子設備指令 | Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) |