2019年10月11日 星期五

經貿 雙語詞彙

經貿 雙語詞彙

308筆資料 ,第1/16頁    經濟部中小企業處  https://www.moeasmea.gov.tw/list-tw-2293
1動機affecting factor
2旅客資訊系統Advanced Passenger System (API)
3東南亞國家協會 (東協)Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
4東南亞國協自由貿易協定ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
5亞洲債券市場基金Asian Bond Fund (ABF)
6亞洲開發銀行Asian Development Bank (ADB)
7亞洲育成協會Asia Association of Business Incubation (AABI)
8亞太經濟合作Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
9亞太地區Asia Pacific Region
10住宿服務業Accommodation Service
11行政院國家科學委員會Administrative Yuan National Science Committee
13中小企業適法權益Advocacy of SMEs Legal Rights
14APEC數位機會中心APEC Digital Opportunity Center(ADOC)
15APEC跨文化交流網絡APEC Cultural Focal Point Network (CFPN)
16APEC經濟領袖會議APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting (AELM)
17APEC創業加速器倡議APEC Start-up Accelerator Initiative(ASA)
18APEC創業加速器計畫APEC Start-up Accelerator
19APEC部長會議APEC Ministerial Meeting (AMM)
20APEC商務旅遊卡APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)

21APEC秘書處Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat (APEC Secretariat)
22APEC研究中心APEC Study Center (ASC)
23APEC企業諮詢委員會APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)
24應用服務供應商Application Service Provider (ASP)
25農業技術合作工作小組Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG)
26資通電腦股份有限公司ARES International Corporation
27混程式學習blended learning
29智慧管家創新服務推動聯盟Best Butler Team(BBT)
30創業園區business park
31創業育成business start-up and incubation
32成衣.服飾品業Business of Clothing & Apparel Accessories
34品牌經營brand management
35建物裝修及裝潢業Building Maintenance & Upholstery
36預算管理委員會Budget and Management Committee (BMC)
37經濟部技術處業界科專辦公室Business Alliance Office of Department of Industrial Technology
38藍海策略Blue Ocean Strategy
39縮減數位落差Bridging the Digital Divide
42異業結盟cross-industry alliance
43循環經濟Circular Economy
44客戶關係管理Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
45社區小企業community small enterprise
46信用保證credit guarantee
47合作企業Cooperative Enterprise
49共同比資產負債consolidated financial data
50更緊密經貿關係安排Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
51挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫Challenge 2008: National Development Plan
52企業社會責任corporate social responsibility(CSR)
53文化創意產業cultural and creative industry
54反恐行動計畫Counter-Terrorism Action Plan (CTAP)
55反恐任務小組Counter-Terrorism Task Force (CTTF)
56貿易暨投資委員會Committee onTrade and Investment (CTI)
57養成機制cultivation mechanism
58雲端運算cloud computing
59集體行動計畫Collective Action Plans (CAP)
60週轉金working capital
61資深官員總結會議Concluding SOM (CSOM)
62競爭政策及解除管制小組Competition Policy and Deregulation Group (CPDG)
63設計服務業Design Services
64診斷輔導diagnostic guidance
65多哈發展議程Doha Development Agenda (DDA)
66直接信用保證direct credit guarantee
67數位資訊服務中心Digital Information Exchange Center
68數位經濟Digital Economy
69資料探勘data mining
70部門提前自由化Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalisation (EVSL)
71創業精神entrepreneurial spirit
72創業家簽證Entrepreneur Visa
74創業活動entrepreneurial activity
75能源工作小組Energy Working Group (EWG)
76東亞暨太平洋地區央行首長會議組織Executives' Meeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks Group (EMEAP)
77企業營運面enterprise operational performance
78企業學習體驗區Enterprise learning experience section
79企業網絡enterprise network
80企業資源規劃Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
81示範性資訊應用系統exemplary information application system
82中國生產力中心電子化事業群E-business Group, China Productivity Center, CPC
83中小企業就業人數employment in SMEs
85電子商務檢視小組Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG)
86電子商務系統e-commerce system
87電子商務Electronic Commerce (EC)
89電子化服務團E-enablement Service Teams
90經濟技術合作行動計畫Ecotech Action Plan (EAP)
91經濟委員會Economic Committee (EC)
92歐盟European Union (EU)
93經濟與技術合作Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH)
94數位學習 / 網路學習e-learning
96餐飲業Eating & Drinking
97體驗經濟Experience Economy
98家具及裝設品製造業Furniture & Fixures Manufacturing
99財務融通機制financing mechanism
100財務會計制度financial and accounting systems
101財務比率Financial ratios
102財長過程Finance Ministers' Process(FMP)
103連鎖加盟營運模式franchise operation mode
104外勞foreign laborer
105外商投資FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
106火金姑專案Firefly Counterpart Guarantee Fund (FCGF)
107APEC漁業工作小組Fisheries Working Group (FWG)
108中小企業放款financing to SMEs
109自由貿易安排Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
110亞太自由貿易協定Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP)
111金屬製品製造業Fabricated Metallic Products Manufacturing
112金融改革financial reform
113食品及飲料業Food & Beverage Manufacturing
114資金協助funding assistance
117政府採購專家小組Government Preocurement Experts Group (GPEG)
118政府採購商機government procurement opportunity
119金書獎Golden Book Awards
120服務業發展綱領及行動方案Guidelines and Action Plans for Service Industry Development
121服務貿易總協定General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
122性別聯絡人網絡Gender Focal Point Network (GFPN)
123全球價值鏈Global Value Chain (GVC)
126綠色商機Green Opportunity
127綠色生產Green production
128輔導政策guidance policy
130關稅暨貿易總協定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
131高科技部門hi-tech sector
132高科技產業high-tech industries
133人力資源發展工作小組Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG)
134人力資源發展Human Resources Development (HRD)
135人力資源human resource
136醫療保健及照顧服務業Health Care & Care Giving Services
137衛生任務小組Health Task Force (HTF)
138個別行動計畫Individual Action Plan (IAP)
139庫存比率inventory ratio
140國際間比較international comparison
141國際勞工組織International Labour Organization (LO)
142國際貨幣基金會International Monetary Fund (IMF)
143國際商會International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
144國際金融機構International Financial Institution (IFI)
146國際中小企業聯合會International Council for Small Business (ICSB)
147國際中小企業會議International Small Business Congress (ISBC)
148產業聚群Industrial Cluster
149產業科學技術工作小組Industrial Science and Technology Working Group (ISTWG)
150產業別網際網路資料庫Industry-based On-line Databases
151創新憑證(創新券)Innovation Voucher
152創新與育成innovation and cultivation
153創新補助計畫Innovation subsidiary plan
154創新研究獎Innovation Research Award
155創新育成中心incubator center
157智慧財產權專家小組Intellectural Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG)
158智慧財產權intellectual property rights
159智慧財產權Intellectural Property Rights (IPR)
160中華民國資訊軟體協會Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. (CISA.)
161中小企業創業育成信託投資帳戶Investment & Trust Account for Incubation & Start-up of SMEs
162中小企業產業發展諮詢委員會Industry Consultation Committee on SMEs
163中小企業整合行動計畫Integrated Plan of Action for SME Development (SPAN)
164地方特色產業industries with local characteristics
166物聯網Internet of Things(IOT)
167網際網路服務供應商Internet Service Provider (ISP)
169資通訊技術Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
170資訊管理Information Management
171資訊科技information technology
173知識管理knowledge management (KM)
174知識經濟Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE)
175知識共享平台knowledge-sharing platform
176長期資金比率long-term funds ratio
178地方特色產業local cultural industry
179大企業large enterprise
180勞動市場資訊小組Labour Market Information (LMI)
182終身學習護照lifelong learning passport
185海洋資源保育工作小組Marine Resource Conservation Working Group (MRC)
186人才培訓manpower cultivation
187互助合作mutual assistance
188市場與生產定位market and production positioning
189市場進入小組Market Access Group (MAG)
190微小融資機構Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)
191經濟部Ministry of Economic Affairs
192總體經濟環境macroeconomic environment
193美國育成協會National Business Incubation Association (NBIA)
194北美自由貿易區North Ameerican Free Trade Area (NAFTA)
195大阪行動綱領Osaka Action Agenda (OAA)
196一鄉鎮一產品One Village One Product(OVOP)
197馬上辦服務中心One-stop Service Center
198組織定位Organizational Positioning
200網頁品牌on-line branding
201經濟合作暨發展組織Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
202創業鳳凰婦女小額貸款專案基金Phoenix Micro Funds for Entrepreneurial Women
203專案貸款Project loans
204人力派遣服務業Personnel Supply Services
205入口網站Portal site
206人才培訓personnel training
207太平洋群島論壇Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)
208太平洋經濟合作理事會Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
209太平洋盆地經濟合作理事會Pacific Basin Economic Cooperation(Council) (PBEC)
210公共服務擴大就業專案Project for the Creation of Employment Opportunities through the Expansion of Public Services
211品質管理quality management
212速動比率quick ratio
213接單風險risk of taking orders
214區域貿易安排Regional Trading Arrangement (RTA)
215淨值報酬率return on net worth
216區域移動警示名單Regional Movement Alert List (RMAL)
217負債淨值比率ratio of total liabilities to net worth
218法規沙盒Regulatory sandbox
219固定資產報酬率return on fixed assets
220小巨人獎Rising Star Award
221資產總額報酬率return on gross assets
222資本報酬率return on capital
223歐盟危害物質限用指令Restriction o f Hazardous Substance(RoHS)
224區域貿易安全Secure Trade in the APEC Region APEC (STAR)
225智慧企業Smart Enterprise
226中小企業產值SMEs production value
227中小企業研訓中心SME Learning Centers
228中小企業政策審議委員會SME Policy Committee
229中小企業信用保證基金Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan
230中小企業法規調適SME's legal rights adaption
231中小企業規模SMEs by scale
232中小企業處Small and Medium Enterprise Administration
233中小企業組織型態SMEs by organization type
234中小企業產業發展諮詢委員會SMEs Industrial Develpoment Advisory Council
235中小企業定義SMEs definition
236中小企業供應鏈SME Supply Chains
237中小企業工作小組Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)
238中小企業人力協助執行計畫SME Employment Assistance Project
239中小企業e學院SME e-college
240中小企業Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

241中小企業聯合輔導中心Small Business Integrated Assistance Center
242中小企業銷售結構SMEs sales structure
243中小企業創業創新養成學苑SME Entrepreneurship and Innovation College
244中小企業輔導政策SME guidance policy
245中小企業輔導SME guidance
246中小企業認定標準Standards for Identifying SME
247中小企業網路學習計畫SME Internet learning plan
248中小企業網路大學SME e-university
249中小企業經營年數SMEs by operating year
250中小企業發展條例SME Development Statute
251中小企業發展基金SME Development Fund
252中小企業發展基金Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund (SMEDF)
253加強經濟法制基礎合作架構Strengthening Ecomonic Legal Infrastructure (SELI)
254供應鏈管理Supply Chain Management (SCM)
255技能訓練specialist training
257西南偏南South by Southwest(SXSW)
258企業領袖高峰會Summit Chief Executive Officer (CEO Summit)
259共享經濟Sharing Economy
260服務網絡service network
261流通運輸服務業Storage & Distribution
262社會創新social innovation
263社會安全網能力建構網絡Social Safety Net Capacity Building Network (SSN CBN)
264社會安全網Social Safety Net (SSN)
265銷售通路sales channel
266關務程序次級委員會Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP)
268資深官員會議Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM)
269經濟技術合作資深官員委員會SOM Committee on ECOTECH (ESC)
270嚴重急性呼吸道症候群Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
271提升科技資訊應用能力technology and IT capability upgrading
272淨值週轉turnover of net-worth
273商品週轉turnover of merchandise
274紡織業Textiles Mills
275固定資產週轉turnover of fixed assets
276存貨週轉turnover of inventory
277技術能力technical capability
278技術交易technical exchange
279台北市電腦公會Taipei Computer Association
280三角貿易triangular trade
281貿易暨投資自由化及便捷化Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF)
282貿易相關之智慧財產權協定Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS)
283貿易自由化Trade Liberalization
284縮減產業數位落差計畫The Program to Bridge the Digital Divide in Industries
285應收帳項週轉turnover of receivables
286新巴塞爾資本協定The New Basel Capital Accord
287傳統產業traditional industry
288雲端運算推廣服務計畫The Cloud Computing Promotion Program
289運輸工作小組Transportation Working Group (TPT-WG)
290電信暨資訊工作小組Telecommunications Working Group (TEL)
291跨太平洋企業議程Trans Pacific Business Agenda (TPBA)
292觀光及運動休閒服務業Tourism, Sporting & Recreational Services
293觀光工作小組Tourism Working Group (TWG)
294關稅與非關稅措施Tariff and Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
295無所不在的學習U-biquitous Learning/U-Learning
296升級轉型upgrading and transformation
297失業率unemployment rate
299女性創業活動women entrepreneurial activity
300女性創業women entrepreneurs
301世界衛生組織World Health Organization (WHO)
302世界貿易組織World Trade Organization (WTO)
303WTO能力建構小組WTO Capacity Building Group (WCBG)
304工作小組Working Group
305中小企業白皮書White Paper on SMEs
306貿易推廣工作小組Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP)
307環保服務業Waste Collecting
308廢電機電子設備指令Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
301世界衛生組織World Health Organization (WHO)
302世界貿易組織World Trade Organization (WTO)
303WTO能力建構小組WTO Capacity Building Group (WCBG)
304工作小組Working Group
305中小企業白皮書White Paper on SMEs
306貿易推廣工作小組Working Group on Trade Promotion (WGTP)
307環保服務業Waste Collecting
308廢電機電子設備指令Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

