2019年11月4日 星期一

Women love to be touched in four places, men want to know!

Women love to be touched in four places, men want to know!
Welcome to your arrival!

A couple of men and women, when the relationship reaches a certain level, the intimate action of each other is indispensable. In close contact, the woman loves the four places that are touched, man, you have to know. Women's touch on these four places is the most eager, favorite, and least resistant. Even for many years old wives and wives, when the husband touches his wife's four places, his wife will not want to stop.
1, the hand

In the early days of love, men and women are not so close, but there is a stage of affection between each other, and both men and women have the urge to touch each other, and they all want to have a close contact. At this time, women most want the most men to touch her. The hand, or a very old man, borrows the name of the hand, and plays with the woman's hand, stroking, although the woman clearly knows that the man's hand is an excuse, but I still like the feeling of being touched.

2, hair

When a man caress very warmly about his girlfriend or wife's hair, wow, that feeling, especially when a woman is sad, let the woman have both the feeling of love and the warmth of love. This parent is very good to women. Lethality. Now there is no such thing as "touching the head". It seems that there are often such shots in Korean dramas. A touch of killing is enough to make a woman into your arms.

3, cheeks

Touching her cheeks can make this woman feel the care of the man, but also give the woman a strong sense of security. Gently touch her cheek with her thumb, while watching her eyes, the man's move, which woman does not like it?

4, the waist

In the movie or TV series, I often see such a bridge: the hero is holding the heroine, the heroine starts to resist a bit, some struggle, but the male lead is placed on the lower back of the heroine, stroking, the heroine will Soon after the gun surrender, stop the resistance, the power is great, the back waist has a rich nerve endings, touch here, can make women feel very comfortable and relaxed, there will be a feeling of electric shock.

2019年10月11日 星期五

i taiwan WIFI

i taiwan WIFI



TAIWAN           public area free WIFI

Taiwan tourist map

Taiwan tourist map


Taiwan Snacks

Taiwan Snacks

  • Danzai Noodles
    Danzai Noodles
  • Braised Pork Rice
    Braised Pork Rice
  • Shrimp Pork Soup
    Shrimp Pork Soup
  • Taiwanese Porridge
    Taiwanese Porridge
  • Taiwanese Sticky Rice
    Taiwanese Sticky Rice
  • Bamboo Rice Cake
    Bamboo Rice Cake
  • Lamb Hot Pot
    Lamb Hot Pot
  • Coffin Board
    Coffin Board
  • Pot-side Scrapings Soup
    Pot-side Scrapings Soup
  • Beef Noodles
    Beef Noodles
  • ried-Spanish Mackerel Thick Soup
    ried-Spanish Mackerel Thick Soup
  • Taiwanese Meatballs
    Taiwanese Meatballs
  • Spring Roll
    Spring Roll
  • Oyster Thin Noodles
    Oyster Thin Noodles
  • Steamed Sandwich
    Steamed Sandwich
  • Pan-fried Bun
    Pan-fried Bun
  • Stinky Tofu
    Stinky Tofu
  • Fried Chicken Fillet
    Fried Chicken Fillet
  • Pepper Bun
    Pepper Bun
  • Oyster Omelet
    Oyster Omelet
  • Popcorn Chicken
    Popcorn Chicken
  • BBQ Corn
    BBQ Corn
  • Boiled Salty Chicken


Taiwan Food

Food is the top priority to Taiwanese people in their daily lives. It is said that, on any street in Taiwan, if you walk three steps, there is a small food shop. Upon walking five steps, you shall bump into a restaurant. All kinds of regional food, from southern to northern, is served here. And other than traditional food, modern fast food is also available. This has made culinary culture in Taiwan highly diverse. Also, because Taiwan is where the world’s cultures converge, today, food from all corners of the globe can be found here - American, Italian, Japanese, and European food. Taiwan is truly gourmands’ heaven. World-famous, the food of Taiwan gives every visitor an indelible impression.

Taiwan--ICRT 【Looking South

ICRT 【Looking South】廣播節目
EP8 產學合作專班實例                               EP8 Educational Exchanges: Academic Cooperation 
EP7 青年創業交流                                       EP7 Educational Exchanges: Foreign Students in TW
EP6 語言實習案例                                       EP6 Educational Exchanges: Learning Languages
EP5 教育部新南向人才培育                       EP5 Educational Exchanges: DICE
EP4 臺商實例:軒豊LED                               EP4 SMEs and their Achievements: Shinyou Light
EP3 臺商實例:普德淨水                              EP3 SMEs and their Achievements: Buder
EP2 臺商實例:信保基金                              EP2 SMEs and ther Achievements: SMEG
EP1 臺商實例:先進醫資                              EP1 SMEs and their Achievements: Advmeds
EP7 越南臺商訪談                                       EP7 Business Ties with Vietnam
EP10 新南向醫療合作                                 EP10 Medical Cooperation
EP12 東南亞臺商企業訪談                         EP12 Business Ties with Southeast Asia
EP13 臺商於印尼營運概況                         EP13 Taiwanese Firms in Indonesia
EP14 印度臺商訪談                                     EP14 Business Ties with India
EP15 馬來西亞臺灣形象展                         EP15 Taiwan Expo in Malaysia
EP17 產學合作及人才培訓                         EP17 Industrial-Academic Collaboration
EP18 交換學生計畫                                     EP18 Educational Exchanges under NSP
EP2 臺灣形象展                                           EP2 Taiwan Expo
EP4 穆斯林清真商機                                   EP4 Muslim Outreach
EP6 亞洲矽谷                                               EP6 Development of "Asian Silicon Valley"
EP7 產業供應鏈                                           EP7 The Industrial Supply Chain
EP8 農業合作                                               EP8 Agricultural Cooperation
EP11 物聯網                                                 EP11 The Internet of Things
EP12 產業人才發展                                     EP12 Industrial Talent Development
EP16 醫療合作                                             EP16 Medical Cooperation
EP17 聚焦印度                                             EP17 Focus on India
EP18 聚焦印尼                                             EP18 Focus on Indonesia
EP19 聚焦緬甸                                             EP19 Focus on Myanmar
EP1 臺灣篇           EP2 澳洲篇           EP3 印尼篇             EP4 印度篇           EP5 越南篇
EP1 Taiwan          EP2 Australia      EP3 Indonesia       EP4 India              EP5 Vietnam
EP6 菲律賓篇       EP7 泰國篇           EP8 新加坡篇         EP9 馬來西亞篇   EP10 東協篇   
EP6 Phillippine   EP7 Thailand       EP8 Singapore      EP9 Malaysia       EP10 ASEAN